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Peel Common Nursery and Infant School

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The Curriculum at Peel Common Nursery and Infant School

At Peel Common Nursery and Infant School (PCNI) we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, the National Curriculum for England (2015) and the Living Difference syllabus for RE which provide our children with the knowledge and key skills they need to build on for their future learning.

Our curriculum is enriched to provide every learner with stimulating and engaging learning opportunities, which are taught in an inspiring manner to ensure good progress.

We use the FFT Success for all phonics programme to deliver phonics and reading teaching. 

Follow this link for more information. 

The Curriculum Crew



              PE Panther                  Science Squirrel           Geography Giraffe                 DT Duck



         History Hawk                          Art Ant                    Music Macaw



  Maths                           Reading                        Writing                                Speaking and listening 



SMSC - Getting on Together        SMSC - Happy and Healthy        SMSC - Me in the World

Learning Values


As well as promoting the basics of Reading, Writing, Maths and other curriculum areas we feel very strongly that children should develop the ability to be good at learning and be equipped for the future world beyond school. To this end we have agreed as staff a set of learning values that we promote with the children. You will find these displayed on the doors in the hall as well as in the classrooms.

The learning values are promoted through assemblies and in the interactions adults have with children.

We hope that as your child moves through their time with us that they will be able to talk confidently about and display these values.


Our learning values are:-


  • To be responsible citizens
  • To be confident individuals
  • To be good communicators
  • To have the resilience to succeed
  • To have enquiring minds
  • To know how to work both independently and as a team

Class Pages

Please click on the class pages link below for more information.
